Installation & Configuration & Integration


Login to your keymaster account, check Granted Assets section and download script you bought from us

Script Start Order

ensure es_extended
ensure dialog
ensure dusa_photographer

Add Items ( Item icons can be found inside dusa_photographer > items folder )

For default QB

['camera'] = {
	['name'] = 'camera', 				
	['label'] = 'Camera', 				
	['weight'] = 500, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'camera.png', 		
	['unique'] = false, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = true,	   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'Just a camera'

['photo'] = {
	['name'] = 'photo', 				
	['label'] = 'Photo', 				
	['weight'] = 100, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'photo.png', 		
	['unique'] = true, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = true,	   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'A nice photo'

['simoncoin'] = {
	['name'] = 'simoncoin', 				
	['label'] = 'Simons Coin', 				
	['weight'] = 500, 		
	['type'] = 'item', 		
	['image'] = 'simoncoin.png', 		
	['unique'] = false, 		
	['useable'] = true, 	
	['shouldClose'] = true,	   
	['combinable'] = nil,   
	['description'] = 'Coin for Simons Tasks'

For OX Inventory

	['camera'] = {
		label = 'Camera',
		weight = 500,
		stack = true,
		close = true,
		description = nil

	['photo'] = {
		label = 'Photo',
		weight = 1,
		stack = false,
		close = true,
		description = nil
	['simoncoin'] = {
		label = 'Simon Coin',
		weight = 1,
		stack = true,
		close = true,
		description = nil

Set Framework

Config.Framework = "qb" -- qb / oldqb
Config.CustomFramework = true
function CustomFrameworkExport() -- Add the export here, as in the following example.
    QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
Config.PlayerLoadEvent = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded'

Configure Target & Inventory

Change options for your server

Config.Inventory = 'ox' -- ox / qbtoesx / normal (normal inventory doesnt include metadata photo item)
Config.MySQL = 'oxmysql' -- oxmysql / ghmattimysql / mysql-async
Config.Target = 'ox_target' -- ox_target / qtarget / qb-target / bt-target


Find Config.Dialogues in config and edit strings

Change Coin Amount When Task Is Done

Config.Reward = { -- \ Coin reward will be given
    Task_1 = 50,
    Task_2 = 35,
    Task_3 = 75,
    Task_4 = 40,
    Task_5 = 35,
    Task_6 = 30

Config.CoinPrice = 50

Changing money amount when player take random civilian photo

Returns a random value between specified values

Config.MinAmount = 50
Config.MaxAmount = 350

You can find everything you need to know from this video! Credits goes to FlenN

After taking coordinates find Config.Zones in config.lua

Replace coordinates with this format

    ['pier'] = {        
        points = {
            vector2(-1609.3408203125, -946.39801025391),
            vector2(-1804.9250488281, -1178.9588623047),
            vector2(-1831.7236328125, -1157.5791015625),
            vector2(-1878.3553466797, -1213.0631103516),
            vector2(-1823.1083984375, -1259.9340820313),
            vector2(-1807.1856689453, -1242.6895751953),
            vector2(-1813.1685791016, -1235.8214111328),
            vector2(-1782.1947021484, -1198.9328613281),
            vector2(-1791.9382324219, -1190.732421875),
            vector2(-1735.6870117188, -1123.0230712891),
            vector2(-1675.9127197266, -1172.5362548828),
            vector2(-1519.0119628906, -983.07397460938)
        minZ = 2.035144805908,
        maxZ = 75.059997558594,                      

Last updated